Meet the Trans Youth Advisory Board Ambassadors

Learn about the TYAB

The HiTOPS Trans Youth Advisory Board (TYAB) is a group of young people, between the ages of 11 and 24, who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or otherwise gender expansive. These incredible young leaders volunteer their time to create each Trans Youth Forum from the ground up! They work together to come up with the theme, speakers, decorations, activities, workshops, vendors, and more! You can spot them each year, welcoming our attendees during our opening ceremony.

Being a member of the HiTOPS Trans Youth Advisory Board is a big responsibility that these young people take on eagerly because they know their ideas and decisions drive every aspect of the forum. There’s a reason the HiTOPS Trans Youth Forum is so proud to be an event created BY and FOR trans and nonbinary youth.

If you are a trans, nonbinary, or otherwise gender expansive youth aged 11-24 and you’d like to join the 2025 Trans Youth Advisory Board, send us an email (aaikens@hitops.org) and tell us what being a TYAB member would mean to you!